Group Events

Do you have a group of people who want to try Disc Golf?

The beginner friendly Short Course, located at the top of Ashton Court (near the Foot Golf and cafe) is the best place to start.

It’s ideal for work events, hen and stag do’s, birthdays, or any other mixed group of people. You don’t need to book in advance, but contact details and prices can be found on the link above.

If you phone 01179738508, there’s a helpful young guy (Elliot?). You might be able to turn up just before they close (4:30) pay and get discs. They have a disc return box.

To play this course, you need to go to the kiosk in the top car park. Disc hire is included in the price.

How to run a group event:

It’s best to divide the group into ‘cards’ of 4 or 5 people.

Each card needs a score keeper – the kiosk will provide you with scorecards and a mini pencil.

Disc Golf Basics - Hyzer Times Disc Golf

Start the cards on different holes – for example if you have 15 people, divide them into three groups and start one card on Hole #1, one on hole #3, and one on hole #5. Leaving an empty hole between cards helps prevent backups.

There are only 9 holes. A groups of 5 should take 25 – 40 minutes to get once round the course.

After the first round, it’s nice to have a break, maybe some food or refreshments – please don’t litter – then mix up the cards for a second round.

The second round can be ranked, so the 5 people with the best result in the first round are on the same card in the second round etc.

Safety first

A disc to the face is very nasty. A ‘fun’ event can stop being fun very quickly if Colin from accounts has a black eye and keeps snivelling.

  • After taking turns to throw off the tee, it’s the person who is furthest from the basket who throws next – even if they only just threw!
  • Never walk past somebody else’s disc on the ground – wait until they have thrown.
  • Never throw if somebody is in front of you.

Rules to get you started

You throw from where your disc lands. Pick up your disc and put your foot where it was. You cannot step forward of this point, but you can step sideways if that helps, for example to see around a tree.

The disc must come to rest either in the basket, or in the chains. Hitting the chains then landing on the ground doesn’t count.

At the end of each hole, count up the throws you have taken, then tell the scorekeeper.

If you’re ready to take disc golf to the next level, buy yourself a starter set and get in touch!

We’re a friendly and welcoming bunch.