Par | 4 | Distance | 161m | 528ft |
- LJ Little Juan
- Swa Swallows
- TCA Tin Can Alley
- HP Hard Par
- Hmp The Hump
- HB Humpback
- Smk Church Wood
- Crw Crow’s Nest
- Lst Safari 1 – Lost Sole
- Oak Over The Oak
- DPD Deer Park Drop
- P5 The Par 5
- HR High Riser
- $2 Safari 2
- Pnd The Pond
- WS Whale Sac
- MP Muster Point
- DC Druid City
- JJ Johnson’s Joker
- Ice Ice House
- UD The Upside Down
- Mac Big Macadamia
- Byl Whale Sac
- BJ Big Juan
Get started with this humdinger of a hole. May the course be with you!

The basket is not actually visible from the tee. Most people aim to land this side of the bottleneck with a placement shot, but some will try to beat the gap.
Blue = Big Juan, Red = Little Juan
[OB Clarification]: When you get close to the basket, the OB cuts back into the woods at about 45deg.
Ben March got the rare eagle | 19.06.24 |